About Me

In The South(: ,, United States
Hey(: , I've never tried this little thing called bloggin' , but my cousin does it, & it looked kinda cool(: But iii.dee.kay what to say bout me, so here's 15 fact(: -Im Lynsey Tira (: -I absolutely love hot pink & lime green (: -I LOVE my family(: -May, Vannah, Britt, & Kristin are my BestTrueFriends(: -I wouldn't be able to live without my daddy(: - I love God, & he loves me(: -Chuck, One Tree Hill & Pretty Little Liars are the best t.v. shows ever(: -Music makes my world go round(: -I love my dog(: -I HATE cats c|: -I love gigantic teddy bears(: -My favorite flower is Narcissus'(: ((exspecially pink ones)) -I love fish & fishing(: -Zebra is my favorite animal(: -Gamecocks ! (:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Live like you were dying"


Have you ever wanted to do something so bad?
                  Well I wanna' skydive..

       Some people think you could die or somethin' ,
                   But really, '"the WORST thing that could happen is that your parachute won't open."
                                                                      The VERY encouraging words of my father,
                                                                                  Peter Preston Day, Jay.Are.Dot(:
        But I don't think that its a bad idea!
                So, Erika Williams, will you do the honor of skydiving with me? (:
        ((  If you say no, the next one on my list is May(:  ))
                  [ Since Daddy said no.. ]

          {But as it says in the song, "Live Like You Were Dying" By Tim McGraw, The "Rocky Mountain Climbin" part, I don't think I'll try that just yet..}

       "He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap. "
                    Ecclesiastes 11:2

Monday, March 7, 2011

So, This is a Blog...

So, I've never done this before, but I wanted to try it since my cousin, Erika(: does bloggin' && she's perty good at it! (: So iii.dee.kay how this is gonna work, but I guess i might take a shot at it!(:

This is her blog(:  ~ http://rwallacefan06.blogspot.com/

I love this chick! :D
&& this picture! (: